Featured image of post Hello world

Hello world

My first blog using Hugo

My First Blog Post

Welcome to my blog! This is my first post, and I want to share a bit about how I built this blog and what you can expect from it in the future.

How I Built This Blog

I built this blog using Hugo, a fast and flexible static site generator. For the design, I chose hugo-theme-stack as the main theme, and for my about page, I used almeida-cv, which also includes my resume.

Here is the result of my About picture 0

The site is deployed using GitHub Pages, with GitHub Actions handling the automation for building and deploying the blog. All the images used in my blog are stored in Cloudflare R2, ensuring fast and reliable delivery.

What’s Next?

I plan to write a detailed post on how I set up this blog, including:

  • Setting up Hugo with multiple themes.
  • Configuring GitHub Pages and GitHub Actions for deployment
  • Storing and serving images with Cloudflare R2

Stay tuned for more updates! If you’re interested in building a blog like this, keep an eye out for my upcoming post.

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